Alisha  waterman

“I pair practical coaching tools with energy work to help my clients unlock their true potential. Together we identify blocks and in doing so, learn how to eliminate them and shine a light on a new way forward by fusing together practical and spiritual ways to create the life they dream of”

What I do…

I coach wonderful women

At the core of my work is a genuine commitment to see women flourish in every aspect of their lives. I coach women to recognize their true value, and achieve what they desire in their careers and lives.

I facilitate workshops

Great things happen when women gather. My workshops support women to find their purpose and unlock their potential to be the best possible versions of themselves.

I lead retreats

Ever woman I know is burnt out, exhausted or on the verge of both. I lead tranquil retreats in beautiful spaces, which allow you to unwind and reconnect to yourself.

I write

I write poems, articles and am working on my first book. All for the love of the written word, just for me and shared with you and the world.

What the tests say…

The corporate landscape that humanity has constructed and to which so many of us are bonded, is not conducive to our spiritual wellbeing but there are ways that we can overcome the negatives and embrace a new way of “being” without sacrificing the basic needs of our lives.

What I’ve learnt, along the way…

For my own journey this means that I never stop learning so that I can be of the greatest influence and help my clients as well as to my own evolution.

Life Coaching, Beautiful You – 2020

Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, UTS  – 2016

Diploma of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Centre of Excellence – 2015

Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Suckha Mukha – 2014

Nutrition & Life Coach, Institute of Integrative Nutrition (New York) – 2013

Reike Master Practitioner (Usui & Tanran) – 2007

HND Medical Biochemistry, Surrey University – 2000

Beautiful Words, What Others Say…

“I walked in the room and sensed immediately a spirit of calm and renewal. The process itself was simple yet magical. Like many forms of healing it defies logic and because of the environment Alisha had created, I was able to just accept and enter into the spirit of the session. Alisha’s gift of healing is one that is lead through the warmth of her heart, the calmness of her soul and the joy of life she exudes through her very being.”
Miriam Joy
“Alisha has a calming quality that creates immediate relaxation. You feel like you are in the space of someone who genuinely cares but will not invade your space. After my session with Alisha, I felt like I had let go of the anxieties of the day and had renewed energy of what was to come. I recommend her therapy for anyone that feels stuck in their head and is in need of a gentle but effective release from whatever is troubling them.”
Gina Zoia
Actor and Facilitator
Thursday, August 31, 2017
“I don’t know what Alisha does and I don’t really need to know, but I do know that I was a very different person from the one that lay down on the massage table and the one that left the room after the session. I have never felt so relaxed, at peace and happy with a clear head. She truly has healing hands!”
Johanna Kerrigan
Thursday, August 31, 2017
I had an amazing healing experience when I was leaving Brazil 12 years ago. It was very hard to leave my family and a long relationship behind to go travel but the Reiki energy made me strong to follow my dream and embark on a big adventure. I always wanted to learn Reiki because of my personal experiences in the past and also because I became a massage therapist and felt a very strong energy during my massages. I didn’t know how to deal with it. Interested enough I didn't go after the Reiki training the Reiki found me when I meet Alisha 4 years ago and she invited me to take part in the Reiki I program. I had no idea about what to expect. I come from a family of mediums and very spiritual people but the Reiki energy works on another level. Alisha took us on a beautiful journey throughout the day mediation, relaxation and deep conversation about the spiritual world and the energy involved in Reiki. We were a small group (which was lovely as it created a sense of safety and intimacy) and we got to experiment with the energy by practicing on each other. It was very emotional and sacred. Since then I've been using Reiki on myself, my family, and friends and now on my clients. Reiki opened a door for me to help me heal people not only of physical level as a massage therapist but also on spiritual level. Incorporating Reiki with my massage leaves me feeling energised rather than drained at the end of a working day. Reiki has helped me to calm my body, mind and became a better person. Thank you, Alisha, for your healing energy I would definitely recommend your training to anyone.
Thais Santos
Naturopath, Herbalist & Massage Therapist
Thursday, August 31, 2017
I was feeling anxious around life and career. I felt Reiki may ground me and give me a clearer head space. I felt very relaxed and extremely safe with Alisha. It took me a while to 'let go' but once I did, I feel like I gave way to the process. After the reiki session I noticed how much better my focus and discipline was around committing to reading. I often half do things and I felt that I had better follow through after reiki. I definitely felt more grounded and not so caught up in my head and negative self-talk. Alisha has a way of knowing what it is you need. She is very aware and patient focused which helped me get the most out of my treatment. Alisha is very holistic in her approach which is something I think is important for a practitioner. She is always doing new study and courses and I think this continues to round out her skills and develops her as a practitioner
Jessica Scott-Young
Project Manager
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wonderful! I came in open minded, but not quite sure what to expect. I felt extremely comfortable and reassured throughout the session. I have had more energy and I have also felt more relaxed. The reiki session was wonderful. I felt like it made a very real difference.
Bonnie Hall
Yoga Teacher
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Before doing (8 Week Hatha Yoga Program) I had done only a little yoga and didn’t have any real knowledge of the premise or approach, other than its (yoga) is good to do. Alisha provided great insight into the practice of yoga, clear supportive instructions and beautiful playful humor to guide a group with varying degrees of experience. I can’t wait to do the next one!
Shandra Moran
Coach and Facilitator
I have done a reasonable amount of yoga over the years and after a long break came across Alisha’s 8 week program. Previously my experience of yoga had been focused very much on physical exercise and what I experienced with Alisha was a greater focus on yoga philosophy. I really enjoyed learning about the 8 limbs of yoga and tried to take the yoga qualities (yamas and niyamas) with me into my daily routine. Alisha’s teaching supported me in being able to focus, and I found myself being more accepting of my capabilities.
Kim Jones
Organisational Development Consultant
Best 8 weeks! Alisha is super supportive and patient. She caters for all body types and that’s extremely important for me, I can’t wait for the next course.
Sharla-Janette Cameron
Director – Ad Operations & Strategy
Alisha is an amazingly accurate, sensitive and insightful reiki practitioner. During my session with her, I was able to reconnect with a deeply peaceful aspect of myself that had been alluding me for weeks previously. I often suffer from insomnia and after my session with Alisha I felt rested and rejuvenated, and was able to return to my natural sleep pattern. I absolutely love yoga with Alisha! Her classes are fun, focused and stretching (pun intended). Alisha has an innate capacity for gauging the ability of her students. My practice has improved dramatically since I joined Alisha's classes. I feel physically stronger physically, mentally calmer and am more mindful of my breathing.
Angela Tannor
Practice Manager
What a great way to start the year. Imagining a beautiful life, getting clear and motivated on what is important and where to put my focus.
Megan Ross
Owner - Temple of Calm
Alisha was amazing, a calm and peaceful presence guiding us through the day. I found the experience very enlightening and a beautiful start to 2016.
Julie Garis
Alisha asks questions that are unique and thought provoking and engaging to answer. Not your run of the mill mentor. With the session I had with Alisha I found myself thinking about complex issues from different angels. I've been in a leadership position at work for some time now and was so thankful that Alisha didn't start talking about SMART target or dry corporate language that is regurgitated year after year. Highly recommend.
Elisia Gray